Judges 16:4 – Fell In Love

Judges 16:4 Some time later, he fell in love with a woman in the Valley of Sorek whose name was Delilah. Love is a many splendored thing. Or at least that is what we are told in the movies, starting in 1955 with the move by that title. Our culture has notions of live thatContinue reading “Judges 16:4 – Fell In Love”

First Instincts and Prayer

Joshua 9:7, 14 7 The Israelites said to the Hivites, “But perhaps you live near us, so how can we make a treaty with you?” 14 The Israelites sampled their provisions but did not inquire of the Lord. Sometimes we need to listen to our first impression, our gut reaction, our immediate response. And I read some recentContinue reading “First Instincts and Prayer”

The Best Plans

Mark 14:1-2       Have you ever noticed that the best plans sometimes don’t work out the way things were planned! The Olympic games opening ceremonies almost never go off without a hitch. All the hard work and planning can’t protect against error or just malfunction. Things just don’t work sometimes. Even the launching of spacecraftContinue reading “The Best Plans”

Unwitting Partner

Mark 6:21-22       Have you ever waited for just the right moment to ask someone? I remember several of these “right moment” experiences in my life. And if you ask my wife, she will tell you that I am not very good at keeping secrets, at waiting for the right moment. I almost always tellContinue reading “Unwitting Partner”

First Contact

Proverbs 14:15 There is one characteristic that I personally have had to learn over the years. I have had to learn to be less trusting of what people tell me. That’s right, less trusting. I have had to learn that people are sinful and that lying comes too easily, and often with no consequences. ButContinue reading “First Contact”