Relief from Enemy Pursuit

Psalm 9:1-12       Sweet relief! Nothing can feel quite as wonderful as when the pressures of life suddenly lift. It is as if the weight has been lifted off your shoulders. You energy level increases and you fell a spring in your step again. Those around you notice the change. Sleep returns to normal. InsteadContinue reading “Relief from Enemy Pursuit”

The Best Smell

Mark 14:3       Have you ever had someone do something so nice, so thoughtful, and so kind, that there just weren’t words to express your gratitude and humility? The timing was perfect. It was just what you needed, and so much more. And yet it could have been something so small, so seemingly insignificant, thatContinue reading “The Best Smell”

People Watching

Mark 2:18       People are watching us, and I am not talking about the NSA or the CIA. People are watching us! No, not the IRS or aliens from another world! People are watching us. Our neighbors and coworkers, shop clerks and fellow drivers, spouses and children, bystanders and onlookers. People are watching us. WhatContinue reading “People Watching”

A New Place to Hang Out

John 2:18-22 Jesus was not such a gentle, non-confrontational person that we often see pictured in paintings. He was very much an “in your face” kind of person. He did it with His words and with His actions. And those words and actions so often confront our cultural biases. Take today’s passage as an example.Continue reading “A New Place to Hang Out”

The Twenty-Plus-Eight’s

Psalm 28, 58, 88, 118, 148 Have you ever tried to get someone’s attention in a crowd? You smile, you wave your hand, your arm shoots up, you speak, you shout, you jump up and down, side to side. And then you realize it isn’t the person you thought it was, and you shrink backContinue reading “The Twenty-Plus-Eight’s”

The Three’s

Psalm 3, 33, 63, 93, 123 Have you ever needed a cheerleader on your side? We all have experienced moments when we felt down, like the boat in the old Tidy Bowl commercial, destined for elimination. This is a common experience of humans. Sometimes we just get down. Psalm 3 gives us some good directionContinue reading “The Three’s”