1 Kings 7:1 Priorities

1 Kings 7:1 It took Solomon thirteen years, however, to complete the construction of his palace. Sometimes our priorities speak loudly, like the sound of a hurricane just before the eye wall hits. Others can see exactly what is important to us. They can see through our rhetoric to the reality. They know what weContinue reading “1 Kings 7:1 Priorities”

1 Kings 3:9 Right and Wrong

1 Kings 3:9 “So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong. For who is able to govern this great people of yours?” Self-reliance is one of those virtues that is espoused in our country. We praise “self-made” people. Except of course those people who useContinue reading “1 Kings 3:9 Right and Wrong”