Done for Show – Mark 12:40

Mark 12:40 “They devour widows’ houses and for a show make lengthy prayers. These men will be punished most severely.” We live in a selfie world. Social media has created a monster, or should I say social media has uncaged the monster that has always been there. Self-absorption is a problem that most humans faceContinue reading “Done for Show – Mark 12:40”

Divergent Convergence

Mark 15:21-32       Oil and water. They normally don’t mix. But some years ago scientists figured out some ways to make it happen. If you have milk in your house, chances are it is homogenized. The fat parts of the milk have been so broken up by passing through small holes that it stays separated.Continue reading “Divergent Convergence”

The Best Smell

Mark 14:3       Have you ever had someone do something so nice, so thoughtful, and so kind, that there just weren’t words to express your gratitude and humility? The timing was perfect. It was just what you needed, and so much more. And yet it could have been something so small, so seemingly insignificant, thatContinue reading “The Best Smell”