Galatians 1:4 Age

Galatians 1:4 who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father,  We in the West often frame idea and concepts from an individual point of view. We ask, “How does this affect me?” rather than “How does this affect us?” ButContinue reading “Galatians 1:4 Age”

Amazed Isn’t Enough – Mark 15:5

Mark 15:5 But Jesus still made no reply, and Pilate was amazed. Being amazed isn’t enough to create a new life. Salvation requires more than amazement. Watching a spacecraft being launched might bring amazement, but you would be no closer to a relationship with God. Listening to the voice of the LORD in the nightContinue reading “Amazed Isn’t Enough – Mark 15:5”

The Impossible, Possible

Mark 10:26-27       Sometimes we latch onto a partial truth and miss the point. Let me give you an example. “Where two or three are gathered” is taken to mean any place two or three believers hang out, Christ is there. This is true, since God is Omnipresent, everywhere present, but this isn’t what thatContinue reading “The Impossible, Possible”