“I don’t know you!” – Luke 13:25

Luke 13:35 “Once the owner of the house gets up and closes the door, you will stand outside knocking and pleading, ‘Sir, open the door for us.’  But he will answer, ‘I don’t know you or where you come from.’” One of the most difficult things parents have to do is close the door onContinue reading ““I don’t know you!” – Luke 13:25″

Mark 6:1-2 – Credentials: Work

Mark 6:1-2       Have you ever had your credentials checked? I bet you have. Have you ever been stopped by the police and had to show your driver’s license and registration? How about when you applied for your driver’s license and you had to show your birth certificate, marriage certificate, social security card or passport.Continue reading “Mark 6:1-2 – Credentials: Work”

Olympic Sized Qualifications

Mark 1:9-13        Were you ever is such a hurry to tell a story that you left out some of the details? Of course you have. If you included all the details it would take just as long as the original incident to retell it. We must condense our lives when we tell about it.Continue reading “Olympic Sized Qualifications”