Unfair Discipline

Psalm 38:1 LORD, do not rebuke me in your anger or discipline me in your wrath. I remember as a child getting disciplined. Do you? I remember sometimes feeling as thought the punishment wasn’t fair, that it was too harsh. (I can’t ever remember thinking it was too lenient!) But sometimes the punishment was completelyContinue reading “Unfair Discipline”

Enduring Love Psalm 136:1-3

1 Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. His love endures forever. 2 Give thanks to the God of gods. His love endures forever. 3 Give thanks to the Lord of lords: His love endures forever.  Sometimes do miss the obvious message. We see the billboard with our name displayed asking us for our hand in marriage, and we just actContinue reading “Enduring Love Psalm 136:1-3”

Planted Trees

Psalm 1:3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers. I love plants and trees. Our yard is filled with vegetation that we have planted and cultivated. We spend time pruning, watering, fertilizing, enjoying. We putContinue reading “Planted Trees”

Self-Correcting Guidance

Psalm 25:1-11           With the drive to invent and perfect self-driving cars and the rise of robots in some parts of the world, Japan in particular, there are some who see humans on the verge of being taken over by robots. They will replace and have replaced some factory workers. No union negotiations needed! TheyContinue reading “Self-Correcting Guidance”

Challenge and Password

Psalm 24:3-10           We live in a world of authentication. You enter your pin number when you withdraw cash from an ATM. You enter a username and password on your favorite online marketplace. When the website passes that information across the internet the package of information is validated and encrypted to ensure its authenticity. WhenContinue reading “Challenge and Password”


Psalm 24:1-2           “That’s mine!” yells the toddler to their sibling. This is a familiar call heard around the world where two toddlers live in the same house. In some cases words might not be used, but just a simple grab and shove are a good substitute. Professional football players get paid millions of dollarsContinue reading “Ownership”

Psalm 23:3-6 – Ready for the Journey

Psalm 23:3-6           One of the greatest problems for Jesus-followers today is that we aren’t ready for the spiritual journey ahead. We too often become complacent in our walk. We make time for everything else in our lives, but we don’t make time for refueling and re-energizing. We fill our calendars with pursuits of everyContinue reading “Psalm 23:3-6 – Ready for the Journey”