Psalm 23:3-6 – Ready for the Journey

Psalm 23:3-6           One of the greatest problems for Jesus-followers today is that we aren’t ready for the spiritual journey ahead. We too often become complacent in our walk. We make time for everything else in our lives, but we don’t make time for refueling and re-energizing. We fill our calendars with pursuits of everyContinue reading “Psalm 23:3-6 – Ready for the Journey”


Mark 6:41-44       Have you ever noticed when things get really bad, really life-threatening, that people often look up and question? They raise their heads, sometimes their fists, and ask why. Even people who deny God’s existence often do this instinctually. You can see it in videos of the grieving family members from missing flightsContinue reading “Multiplication”

The Twenty-Plus-Three’s

Psalm 23, 53, 83, 113, 143 Psalm 23 is perhaps the most familiar psalm in all the psalms. What powerful and comforting words! Because the LORD is in charge of my life, I have no need that He doesn’t satisfy. Provision for body and soul. Guidance. Protection. Empowerment for the task at hand. Blessing. HisContinue reading “The Twenty-Plus-Three’s”