Under Guard – Acts 23:35

Acts 23:35 He said, “I will hear your case when your accusers get her.” Then he ordered that Paul be kept under guard in Herod’s palace. Politically motivated conspiracies are nothing new. Plots to kill political rivals are not just something that happens in other parts of the world, to be read about in theContinue reading “Under Guard – Acts 23:35”

The Next …

Mark 8:27-28       Opinion polls can tell us something about what people are thinking. There is a whole science about polling that I don’t completely understand. But, perhaps, I am not alone. Even the best pollsters get the results wrong. Even the worst get it right sometimes. So many factors determine the results. Even pollsterContinue reading “The Next …”

Mark 6:24-25 – Innocent Pawn

Mark 6:24-25       Feeling used. Unaware of the plans. Betrayed. Puzzled. Out of the loop. Blindsided. Taken by surprise. Have you ever felt any of these or similar emotions? Most of us have at one time or another. Plans were made and you didn’t know them, and you are allowed to feel like you wereContinue reading “Mark 6:24-25 – Innocent Pawn”

Psalm 26, 56, 86, 116, 146 – The Twenty Sixs Plus Thirty’s

Psalm 26, 56, 86, 116, 146 No one is a shoo-in for heaven. Even the writer of Psalm 26 seeks the LORD’s deliverance. He writes that he has lived a life of obedience. He even asks the LORD to do the examination of his heart and mind to see if he is wrong about hisContinue reading “Psalm 26, 56, 86, 116, 146 – The Twenty Sixs Plus Thirty’s”