Getting Ready – Matthew 24:3

Reading in the Scriptures this morning Jesus’ charge to His followers to be ready for His return. There are a number of different ways He illustrates the need to be ready, but each one points to the tendency of all of us to get lazy, apathetic, disinterested, disconnected. The disciples ask in Matthew 24 aboutContinue reading “Getting Ready – Matthew 24:3”

Invitation to support in prayer

Well, we are one step closer to your departure on the 3rd of May.  One of our greatest concerns is for your prayer support. If we are to accomplish this mission, we can’t do it! It must be the work of the Holy Spirit in and through us.  Although we are not regular missionaries, needingContinue reading “Invitation to support in prayer”

But then God….

Okinawa, Japan It hardly seems possible that less than two months ago we were planning a vacation with some friends in Europe, Italy in particular. But then God…. This really has been the story of our lives. But then God…. But there we were on Feb 5th, minding our own business. Bev had watched andContinue reading “But then God….”