Honoring Sexuality

Here is a link to my sermon from this past week. I shared the role of sexuality in the Life God Gives series here at Keystone Church of the Nazarene here in Okinawa Japan. Just in case the link above doesn’t work, here it is ready to copy and paste into your browser. http://ftp.keystonenazarene.org/audio/2016-5-15.mp3 AndContinue reading “Honoring Sexuality”

Living without Subtitles

Let’s face it, we all get a little lost at times and need signs, directions, or subtitles. So, you can imagine that living in Okinawa, Japan can be very disorienting to a gal raised in western culture.  The Japanese have three alphabets. You read that correctly, three!  So, what does a person do when youContinue reading “Living without Subtitles”

Walking In A Fog

As we walk around and drive around we are bombarded with communication. There are signs everywhere. Every shop has signs covered in words. The streets have words written on them. The traffic signs have words. There are banners and placards everywhere. But for me, it looks like squiggly lines. I am sure for the averageContinue reading “Walking In A Fog”

You Want Me To Do What? – Matthew 5:39-41

The Japanese people are the most polite people I have ever met. This is woven into the fabric of their culture in so many ways, ways I can only imagine at this point since we arrived here in Okinawa only six hours ago. Here is an example from the flight from Tokyo to Okinawa. AsContinue reading “You Want Me To Do What? – Matthew 5:39-41”

Blessed are the Feet … Pedicure Moments

We are flying to Okinawa, Japan in just a few short days from today.   My husband and I have settled into a wonderful, retired rhythm here in the Sunshine State.  We are near our grown children and their families.  Life is good. This post-Army life was our new normal.   Out of the blue, we wereContinue reading “Blessed are the Feet … Pedicure Moments”