2 Samuel 1:14 Anointed One

2 Samuel 1:14 David asked him, “Why weren’t you afraid to lift your hand to destroy the LORD’s anointed?” Do you remember looking at the Highlights magazines in the waiting room of a doctor or dentist? I do! It was the highlight of the visits. I loved the pages that had the picture with theContinue reading “2 Samuel 1:14 Anointed One”

Ephesians 3:6 In Christ Jesus

Ephesians 3:6 This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, member together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus. Many people walk through life, or run through it, seeking a secret something that will make them happy, successful, or content. Walk through any bookstoreContinue reading “Ephesians 3:6 In Christ Jesus”

Uncompromising Facts

1 John 2:22-23           Sometimes in life, you just have to accept the facts. The facts slap you in the face and you must acknowledge them. There is no getting around them, or explaining them away. They are just there.           Like the snow in the northeast. At its worst, it was yards deep, buryingContinue reading “Uncompromising Facts”

One in the Crowd

Mark 10:47-48       Immediately after the Boston Marathon bombing the agencies involved poured over thousands of images of the crowd that day trying to find clues about who had left the bombs. They were looking for the one person who had planted the bombs. One face in the crowd. And when they found it, orContinue reading “One in the Crowd”

Matthew 16:15 – This is Personal

Matthew 16:15 Jesus is a different kind of religious leader. With all the other religions in the world, the focus is on the content of the teaching. With Christianity, the focus is on the person of Jesus. For Jesus and His disciples, it was a personal matter. Jesus asked His disciples, not what they thoughtContinue reading “Matthew 16:15 – This is Personal”