Wine – 1 Timothy 5:23

1 Timothy 5:23 Stop drinking only water, and use a little wine because of your stomach and your frequent illnesses. Some people have problems in life caused by the use of substances that alter the person’s reality. It can be a really good brownie or methamphetamine. Both will alter your mood, one leading to theContinue reading “Wine – 1 Timothy 5:23”

Formulaic Religiosity

Mark 9:25-27       Abracadabra! Presto change! Reset! Ctrl/Alt/Del! Have you ever noticed that when people tell you they have a quick way to solve your problem, it often isn’t that quick or that easy! The reality is that most things in life are not quick and easy. Let me give you an example.       DeclaringContinue reading “Formulaic Religiosity”

Diagnosis Seizure

Mark 9:17-18       Our modern world is filled with professions that diagnose problems. We often give them the label of Consultant. Their job is to figure out what is going wrong, or what could be done better, more efficiently. They are an outside set of eyes, hopefully able to see with a fresh perspective thingsContinue reading “Diagnosis Seizure”


Mark 5:26       In some ways it seems as though the medical profession is still “practicing” medicine even today. I hope they “perfect” it soon. I know some friends and relatives who have gone through chemotherapy and/or radiation in an attempt to combat cancer. The suffering of many cancer patients during their treatment is horrific.Continue reading “Healthcare”