Finger on the Pulse

Mark 10:20-22       Some people have a way of knowing exactly where to touch to find out what is really happening in a situation. They are able to walk into a room, spend a few moments observing, and then engage in a way that brings the greatest change. Some of this power comes from theirContinue reading “Finger on the Pulse”


Proverbs 15:15-17       These three proverbs contrast the life of those who follow the LORD and those who don’t. It is not as you might imagine. Some corners of the Christian church would want you to believe that if you are a Jesus-follower, wealth follows you. But the full counsel of Scripture says something muchContinue reading “Vegetables”

The Twenty-Plus-Eight’s

Psalm 28, 58, 88, 118, 148 Have you ever tried to get someone’s attention in a crowd? You smile, you wave your hand, your arm shoots up, you speak, you shout, you jump up and down, side to side. And then you realize it isn’t the person you thought it was, and you shrink backContinue reading “The Twenty-Plus-Eight’s”