Believe and Love

1 John 3:23           Sometimes we complicate life in ways that aren’t necessary. We add layers where no layers are needed. We put in details when the original was perfect. And then we wonder why we live under such stress.           Think about the average American family with kids. The parent packs the kid’s scheduleContinue reading “Believe and Love”

Momentary or Lasting Hate

1 John 3:15           Hate is a serious thing. It leads to all sorts of awful outcomes if it is allowed to fester and if it is given power to act. When hatred is fanned into flame it can destroy nations. Hatred can be fanned for generations and become part of a culture. The “OneContinue reading “Momentary or Lasting Hate”

The Power of Love

1 John 3:11-12           We often feel that hatred is more powerful than love. Hatred shows up in the headlines. Hatred makes for better stories, feeding our fears and anxieties. When stories of love are told, we are led to believe that love is so extraordinary that mere mortals like ourselves could never be thatContinue reading “The Power of Love”