Leviticus 26:12 Restoration

Leviticus 26:12 I will walk among you and be your God, and you will be my people. One of the news stories to come across my feeds repeatedly over my life has been the desire of humans to develop some type of utopian society. They want to extend their lives, have justice for all, liveContinue reading “Leviticus 26:12 Restoration”

The Power of a Kiss

Mark 14:44-46       James Bond movies have made the poison kiss part of our cultural language. It was always the beautiful enemy spy who would pass the poison. What makes the delivery system so striking is the mixed messages given. The kiss is a sign of intimacy and affection. Kisses are usually reserved for family.Continue reading “The Power of a Kiss”

Going a Little Further

Mark 14:35-36       Sometimes distance can be a difficult thing to judge. For some, driving at night is a very difficult and dangerous task because they have greater difficulty judging distance in the dark. They can see the car approaching, but speed and distance data doesn’t get captured properly. They just aren’t able to tellContinue reading “Going a Little Further”

Eating Intimacy

Mark 14:20-21       One of the romantic things people do is feed each other chocolate covered strawberries. The chocolate and the sweetness of the strawberry make a wonderful combination. But the act of allowing someone to feed you is very intimate. You are letting them into a very personal space. Only the closest people inContinue reading “Eating Intimacy”

Beyond Valuation

Proverbs 6:30-35 Adultery is worse than thievery. You can pay back what you stole. You can never pay back what was taken in adultery. That is the simple message of today’s verses. Adultery is an expensive hobby. When a thief steals (vv30-31), what he steals is generally replaceable, or at least a value can beContinue reading “Beyond Valuation”