Mark 6:14-29 -Racked with Guilt

Mark 6:14-29       Guilt and revenge can cause us to act in very unexpected ways. And those reactions can happen no matter who we are or what social class we belong to. These reactions are human, and therefore cross all boundaries. The real question is not whether we have guilt and feelings of revenge, butContinue reading “Mark 6:14-29 -Racked with Guilt”


Proverbs 17:20        As I read today’s proverb, I can think of several people who seemingly defy the teaching of this verse. There have been, and are some, very corrupt people who seemingly prosper. The Middle East is filled with leaders who have prospered physically and materially, for long periods of time. I walked throughContinue reading “Corruption”

Getting Away with It

Proverbs 14:14 I received a text message telling me that I had used 90% of my allotted minutes of calling time with seven days to go before my billing plan resets. I don’t know if I will make it without going over minutes. Usually we don’t have any problem with the number of minutes inContinue reading “Getting Away with It”

What have you passed on?

1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Several years ago I found an exercise that helped me focus my energies in life. It was while I was working with very ill hospital patients. If there is one thing terminal illness can do is to focus us on what is really important. Patients and family members just want to sayContinue reading “What have you passed on?”

God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense (GRACE)

Ephesians 2:1-10 Grace is a concept that is central to our understanding of God, and of our relationship with Him. But even though we say with our mouth that grace is central, in reality too many people never experience grace. We do mental gymnastics in explaining it, but don’t ever allow it to take over.Continue reading “God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense (GRACE)”