The Thread – Joseph – Faithful Underdog

God often uses the worst of circumstances as a means of bringing glory to Himself.Outline: Sometimes everyone in your family will misunderstand what the LORD is doing in your life: God often speaks to us as individuals and then that message is confirmed by the Word, the body and the Holy Spirit. Our families sometimesContinue reading “The Thread – Joseph – Faithful Underdog”

Walking In A Fog

As we walk around and drive around we are bombarded with communication. There are signs everywhere. Every shop has signs covered in words. The streets have words written on them. The traffic signs have words. There are banners and placards everywhere. But for me, it looks like squiggly lines. I am sure for the averageContinue reading “Walking In A Fog”

Blessed are the Feet … Pedicure Moments

We are flying to Okinawa, Japan in just a few short days from today.   My husband and I have settled into a wonderful, retired rhythm here in the Sunshine State.  We are near our grown children and their families.  Life is good. This post-Army life was our new normal.   Out of the blue, we wereContinue reading “Blessed are the Feet … Pedicure Moments”

But then God….

Okinawa, Japan It hardly seems possible that less than two months ago we were planning a vacation with some friends in Europe, Italy in particular. But then God…. This really has been the story of our lives. But then God…. But there we were on Feb 5th, minding our own business. Bev had watched andContinue reading “But then God….”

Could Have Been’s

Mark 1:45       Have you ever thought about a decision you made and wonder what would have happened if you had made a different choice? It is amazing the way our minds work. We have the ability to run multiple scenarios in our minds and guess what would have happened. Sometimes this leads to regrets,Continue reading “Could Have Been’s”