A Little Yeast

Galatians 5:9 “A little yeast works through the whole butch of dough.” It is the small compromises that get us in trouble. Although each one individually might not be that significant in itself, the accumulated effect can be devastating. The smallest detail can all but ruin the effort. When the Hubble Space Telescope was firstContinue reading “A Little Yeast”

Galatians – Day 90.00

Galatians: The Law Acrostic Theme: The Law Author: Paul Date Written: around 47 A.D. Audience: Opponents of the Freedom found in Christ living in the Southern region of Galatia Key Verse: 2:16 Summary: This book argues in clear terms that keeping the Old Testament Law is not a requirement for living a life of faithContinue reading “Galatians – Day 90.00”