Concrete Faith

Mark 5:21-43       Physical illnesses can be one of the most devastating and emotionally draining situations we humans face. When we get hit with the diagnosis, our hearts sink, our breath is taken away and we often ask, “Why?” At those moments we realize that the illusion of power and control we have so comfortablyContinue reading “Concrete Faith”

Rock, Paper, Scissors

Proverbs 16:33       There are some Scriptures that I struggle to understand. It is not the words that are difficult, but the application of the words. Our proverb today is one of those Scriptures. It speaks of casting lots, throwing some kind of dice that determines which alternative of choice is to be made.      Continue reading “Rock, Paper, Scissors”

Changed in an Instant – The Flip of a Switch

Isaiah 31:6 Every journey must start with a step. For we humans, we all started walking in the wrong direction, away from God. That is why the Scriptures call us to turn to God. This turning is called repentance. We hear that cry in the Old Testament prophets like Isaiah 31:6, “Return, you Israelites, toContinue reading “Changed in an Instant – The Flip of a Switch”