Practical Atheist

Psalm 14:1-7           There are many practical atheists around us. We might actually be one. A practical atheist is someone who in everyday life lives as if the LORD wasn’t really present, didn’t really know or care, and who doesn’t have influence on current decisions and life choices. The practical atheist makes their own choices,Continue reading “Practical Atheist”

No One in Your Corner

Psalm 3:1-8       Have you ever felt like the world was ganging up against you, like you were the only one standing on your side of the line? This is a common feeling among us mere mortals. We might start a project and feel like we have many people behind us, supporting us, encouraging us.Continue reading “No One in Your Corner”

Mountain Movers

Mark 11:22-25       Sometimes we make things so complicated, especially things connected to the LORD. We add if’s, and’s and but’s to so many discussions. Sometimes things really are simple. We add prenuptial agreements to a marriage because we don’t really trust people, even the people we are going to marry. We have to haveContinue reading “Mountain Movers”

Mark 6:6 – Amazing Faith. NOT!

Mark 6:6       I have a hard time believing sometimes. Do you? For me the issue of trusting the LORD is settled. I trust Him. I might have to fight fear sometimes, but if I just settle myself, I know the LORD is faithful. No matter what, He will be there. Even death can’t endContinue reading “Mark 6:6 – Amazing Faith. NOT!”

Faith in the Face of Bad News

Mark 5:36       Have you ever had to ignore what someone is saying, because you know the truth about the situation and they don’t? In those moments you have to weigh the credibility of the other person. You have to judge your own knowledge. Is it as sure a fact as you think it is?Continue reading “Faith in the Face of Bad News”