Matthew 12:41 – Undervalued

Matthew 12:4` The men of Nineveh will stand up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and now something greater than Jonah is here. There can be few things in life that can rile up people like being undervalued, unseen, unappreciated. Unfortunately, some people liveContinue reading “Matthew 12:41 – Undervalued”

Eyes in the Sky

Proverbs 15:3       The role of surveillance has been in the news, sparking a debate over privacy and national security. Because of my profession, I have assumed that everything I do is open to scrutiny, that nothing I do is done without the possibility that someone is listening in. I haven’t assumed that I haveContinue reading “Eyes in the Sky”

The Twenty-Plus-One’s

Psalm 21, 51, 81, 111, 141 It is a blessed time when the leader of a nation acknowledges the supreme place of the LORD in his life and in the life of the nation (Ps 21). Look at all the blessings that the king has received and for which he gives thanks. Are you willingContinue reading “The Twenty-Plus-One’s”