No Alarm Bells – Mark 13:7

Mark 13:7 When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Scary times seem to be upon us. We have seen some scary things happen in the last few months, haven’t we! But as I have said before, these areContinue reading “No Alarm Bells – Mark 13:7”

Us Versus Them

1 John 2:18-19           Insider trading has become such a common place thing that the stock market has invented a specific way to do it and get away with it. They call it a short sale. As I understand it, it goes like this. You buy the stock on borrowed money, and when the stockContinue reading “Us Versus Them”

Jigsaw Puzzle Piece

Mark 13:28-31       Have you ever purchased a jigsaw puzzle at a yard sale? I am always hesitant to do it. The reason? The missing piece! Few things are as frustrating as spending hours putting together a puzzle, especially a very difficult one, only to discover that there is a piece missing. You scour theContinue reading “Jigsaw Puzzle Piece”

Insider Trading

Mark 13:14-17       We have heard about insider trading taking place around the world. People inside an organization, who have information about future rise or fall of the stock price, use the knowledge to make money illegally. They know about an upcoming merger that will send the value of the company through the roof. SoContinue reading “Insider Trading”