Influence – 2 John 11

2 John 11 Anyone who welcomes them shares their wicked work. “Bad company corrupts good morals.” “You are known by the company you keep.” I remember hearing these quotes when I was growing up. I am sure there were a few more with this same theme, but the ravages of time have eroded by memory.Continue reading “Influence – 2 John 11”

Exclusive – 1 John 5:5

1 John 5:5 Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God. All Truth is exclusionary. The simple fundamentals of logic teach us this. If A=B, and B≠C, then A≠C. When there are true things, then there are also things that aren’t true. Despite whatContinue reading “Exclusive – 1 John 5:5”