Mark 6:49-50 – Scream

Mark 6:49-50       I hope I always scream when I see a ghost! I don’t ever want to get used to seeing things that are not of this world. I have no idea if ghosts exist, or if they are demonic manifestations to deceive those who don’t have a strong faith. I just don’t know.Continue reading “Mark 6:49-50 – Scream”

The Handshake of Life

Mark 5:40-43       Have you ever had someone say something that was so out of touch with reality that you had to laugh? You know, they say something so ridiculously untrue about the situation that you can’t keep it in. They honestly say that the Gremlin was a great car. Or that the government shouldContinue reading “The Handshake of Life”

Concrete Faith

Mark 5:21-43       Physical illnesses can be one of the most devastating and emotionally draining situations we humans face. When we get hit with the diagnosis, our hearts sink, our breath is taken away and we often ask, “Why?” At those moments we realize that the illusion of power and control we have so comfortablyContinue reading “Concrete Faith”

What have you passed on?

1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Several years ago I found an exercise that helped me focus my energies in life. It was while I was working with very ill hospital patients. If there is one thing terminal illness can do is to focus us on what is really important. Patients and family members just want to sayContinue reading “What have you passed on?”

The Ten-Plus-Nine’s

Psalm 19, 49, 79, 109, 139 To anyone who is willing to hear, creation itself screams God’s existence (Psalm 19:1). How anyone can miss this message seems impossible to me. It is so loud. From the smallest atomic particles to the vastness of space, and the structure of DNA to the balance of elements necessaryContinue reading “The Ten-Plus-Nine’s”