Someone’s Got to Do It

Mark 15:42-43       One of the lessons of movements like the Moral Majority of the 80’s, and the Tea Party currently, is that there are often many people who share a belief system who almost never speak up about it. We will call these people silent partners. In the political arena, the secret is toContinue reading “Someone’s Got to Do It”

Silly Soldiers

Mark 15:16-20       Soldiers sometimes do silly things. They are, after all, people just like us, and we do silly things sometimes! We think of soldiers being disciplined and regimented, and they are. They train to win wars. The practice what they will do in hundreds of situations until their actions and reactions become almostContinue reading “Silly Soldiers”

Hard Reality Comes Knocking

Mark 14:41-42       Sometimes reality hits us square in the face. And we have a couple of choices in that moment: we can accept the reality or we can move into fantasy land. Fantasy land often looks like a adolescent temper tantrum, but performed by adults. It isn’t a pretty sight. This especially true whenContinue reading “Hard Reality Comes Knocking”