Matthew 27:49 – Callousness

Matthew 27:49 The rest said, “Now leave him alone. Let’s see if Elijah comes to save him.” It is amazing how the routine of life can set us up to fail. We get so used to the things that happen, that we miss what is right in front of us. We seem to get stuckContinue reading “Matthew 27:49 – Callousness”

Those Who Knew Him

Luke 23:49 But those who knew him, including the women who had followed him from Galilee, stood at a distance, watching these things. We often watch people’s reactions to events and wonder what is going on inside them. For you see, the outside doesn’t always match the inside. We have learned to “hold it together”Continue reading “Those Who Knew Him”

Loud Cry

Mark 15:37 With a loud cry, Jesus breathed his last. What is the impact of one overheard cry? In Beirut, Lebanon where that tremendous explosion happened over a month ago, the workers stopped and were silent when a signal was detected below the rubble. On 9/11 and the following days silence was a frequent responseContinue reading “Loud Cry”

Crucifixion’s Experience in Words

Psalm 22:3-15           Sometimes it can be hard to put our experiences into words. Often it is because we don’t have the words, the vocabulary of emotion and body sensation that is needed in order to adequately tell the experience to others. That is why this psalm is so interesting. The writer is able toContinue reading “Crucifixion’s Experience in Words”

Despair’s Experience in Words

Psalm 22:1-2           Our culture is filled with double entendres, a word or expression that we can understand in at least two ways, one being sexual. And of course, since we are a sexualized culture, many new sayings are added to the list of double entendres every day. These double meanings allow people to getContinue reading “Despair’s Experience in Words”

Something’s Different About Him

Mark 15:39       Have you ever been in the room with someone, and you just knew there was something different about them, something extraordinary? The way they carried themselves, their connection with people, their gentle manner seemed genuine, authentic. They stood out from the rest. And maybe you couldn’t tell exactly what made them seemContinue reading “Something’s Different About Him”

Day 259

Narrative of Jesus’ death   Mark 15 Key Verses: 1, 5, 15, 26, 32, 39, 44, Sometimes burning the midnight oil is not a productive thing. Jesus was arrested after dark, probably rather late in the evening. He was led for His first questioning, during which time Peter denied knowing Jesus three times. I imagineContinue reading “Day 259”