Numbers 16:20-21 Stubbornness

Numbers 16:20-21 The LORD said to Moses and Aaron, 21 “Separate yourselves from this assembly so I can put an end to them at once.” I want to point my finger at people demonstrate a high level of stubbornness and say, “Wake up! Stop being so stubborn. Can’t you see?” But when someone is this stubborn,Continue reading “Numbers 16:20-21 Stubbornness”

Mark 14:42 Betrayal

Mark 14:42 Rise! Let us go! Here comes my betrayer!” Not many guilty people are eager to see the police coming. They generally hide in order to delay their capture. We get the videos of police chases and hostage standoffs as proof that guilty people like to run from justice. But what about the innocent?Continue reading “Mark 14:42 Betrayal”

Motives – 1 Thessalonians 2:5

1 Thessalonians 2:5 You know we never used flattery, nor did we put on a mask to cover up greed—God is our witness. People’s motives can be very hard to discern in so many areas of life. Why are they doing this? What is the reason for their actions? This isn’t like them; what madeContinue reading “Motives – 1 Thessalonians 2:5”

Credit Due – Acts 12:22

Acts 12:22 They shouted, “This is the voice of a god, not of a man.” It can be so easy to give credit where credit isn’t due. Leaders throughout history have been given credit for events over which they had no control. Most of the time nothing happens to them. They bask in the limelightContinue reading “Credit Due – Acts 12:22”

A Little Yeast

Galatians 5:9 “A little yeast works through the whole butch of dough.” It is the small compromises that get us in trouble. Although each one individually might not be that significant in itself, the accumulated effect can be devastating. The smallest detail can all but ruin the effort. When the Hubble Space Telescope was firstContinue reading “A Little Yeast”

Hypocrisy Exposed

Mark 12:38-40       Backroom deals abound. Corporations in bed with politicians. Special interest groups writing legislation. The Justice Department being told not to enforce justice. Infectious diseases spreading without acknowledging the role of politics in its spreading. And all this to keep up the appearance of those in power.       Jesus puts His finger inContinue reading “Hypocrisy Exposed”

Thieves’ Hangout

Mark 11:15-16       Fruitlessness rarely ends in something positive. As I drive around Florida I see a countryside that has fed so many in years past. There are still vast expanses of cattle being grazed here. Citrus still goes on for miles. Strawberries dominate my corner of this state.       But there are large areasContinue reading “Thieves’ Hangout”

Calculation Error

Mark 8:14-21       Being a sniper is one of the most challenging jobs in the military. It takes nerves of steal and a very sharp mind. The calculations involved in making shot are incredible. Distance, wind speed, temperature, sunlight, altitude, angle of descent and probably some more. They now have small computers to help makeContinue reading “Calculation Error”


Proverbs 15:27       We live in a society of debt. Each person in the USA owns over $53,000 in federal debt. If we had to pay the government’s debt today, that would drain most of our checking and savings accounts! And this doesn’t even take into consideration the unfunded obligations like Social Security.       ThenContinue reading “Couponing”


Proverbs 8:12-21 Prudence is a word that has lost its meaning it today’s world. We have lost the ability, or perhaps more correctly the will, to govern and discipline ourselves by using our reasoning. I think we have instead developed the ability to use our reason to make up excuses for our lack of self-control.Continue reading “Roommates”