Mark 14:42 Betrayal

Mark 14:42 Rise! Let us go! Here comes my betrayer!” Not many guilty people are eager to see the police coming. They generally hide in order to delay their capture. We get the videos of police chases and hostage standoffs as proof that guilty people like to run from justice. But what about the innocent?Continue reading “Mark 14:42 Betrayal”

Remorse – Matthew 27:3-4a

Matthew 27:3-4a When Judas, who had betrayed him, saw that Jesus was condemned, he was seized with remorse and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders. 4 ”I have sinned,” he said, “for I have betrayed innocent blood.” We have all had moments when we regret a decision weContinue reading “Remorse – Matthew 27:3-4a”

Betrayed By A Friend – Psalm 55:12-14

Psalm 55:12-14 If an enemy were insulting me I could endure it; if a foe were rising against me, I could hide. 13 But ti is you, a man like myself, my companion, my close friend, 14 with whom I once enjoyed sweet fellowship at the house of God, as we walked about among theContinue reading “Betrayed By A Friend – Psalm 55:12-14”

Contrast in Character

Mark 14:66-72       One of the keen skills of our military Special Forces is the ability to blend into a culture very different from our own. The master the language, the customs, the mannerisms, the dress, the eating habits of the other culture. Then they slip in and live among that population unnoticed. At theContinue reading “Contrast in Character”

The Power of a Kiss

Mark 14:44-46       James Bond movies have made the poison kiss part of our cultural language. It was always the beautiful enemy spy who would pass the poison. What makes the delivery system so striking is the mixed messages given. The kiss is a sign of intimacy and affection. Kisses are usually reserved for family.Continue reading “The Power of a Kiss”