Mocked, Despised, Scoffed

2 Chronicles 36:15-16 The Lord, the God of their ancestors, sent word to them through his messengers again and again, because he had pity on his people and on his dwelling place. 16 But they mocked God’s messengers, despised his words and scoffed at his prophets until the wrath of the Lord was aroused againstContinue reading “Mocked, Despised, Scoffed”

Songbook of Israel

2 Chronicles 29:30 King Hezekiah and his officials ordered the Levites to praise the Lord with the words of David and of Asaph the seer. So they sang praises with gladness and bowed down and worshiped. A few years ago there was a difference of opinion about the use of ‘choruses’ in worship in the church.Continue reading “Songbook of Israel”

Traitors Within

2 Chronicles 24:26 Those who conspired against him were Zabad, son of Shimeath an Ammonite woman, and Jehozabad, son of Shimrith a Moabite woman. It has been interesting to see the level of political betrayal that has happened in the last few years. And there is no shame involved in stabbing your boss in theContinue reading “Traitors Within”

Forced Labor

2 Chronicles 2:17 Solomon took a census of all the foreigners residing in Israel, after the census his father David had taken; and they were found to be 153,600. Not everyone is equal! That’s right. You and I are not equal. We are equally important to the LORD, but not equal in talents, gifts, treasure,Continue reading “Forced Labor”