Lavish Gifts

1 John 3:1           The season is approaching when young wealthy teenagers are thrown extravagant parties to showcase their coming of age. Tens of thousands of dollars are spent putting on an event that many of them don’t want and certainly don’t deserve. They are rebellious teenagers just like the rest of us. Quinceañera, SweetContinue reading “Lavish Gifts”

Confident and Unashamed

1 John 2:28           If you have ever been on a job interview, confidence is one thing you can’t have too much of, unless your confidence comes off as arrogance or aloofness. Unless you are running for political office and then it seems that you can’t get enough. But what exactly is confidence?           ConfidenceContinue reading “Confident and Unashamed”

Hold Onto the Truth

1 John 2:24-25           One of the main principles in math is that you have to remember what you learned before when you move onto more advanced topics. You still have to be able to add, subtract, multiply and divide when you are doing calculus. Just because things get more complicated doesn’t mean you abandonContinue reading “Hold Onto the Truth”

Uncompromising Facts

1 John 2:22-23           Sometimes in life, you just have to accept the facts. The facts slap you in the face and you must acknowledge them. There is no getting around them, or explaining them away. They are just there.           Like the snow in the northeast. At its worst, it was yards deep, buryingContinue reading “Uncompromising Facts”