More Than A Feeling

1 John 3:24           Some people confuse a physical feeling with the presence of God. If the music is just right, and the light is just so, and the meal is repeating, then God must be present. But the reality is, feelings lie, feelings change. Feelings are a source of information, just like sight, sound,Continue reading “More Than A Feeling”

Believe and Love

1 John 3:23           Sometimes we complicate life in ways that aren’t necessary. We add layers where no layers are needed. We put in details when the original was perfect. And then we wonder why we live under such stress.           Think about the average American family with kids. The parent packs the kid’s scheduleContinue reading “Believe and Love”

Answered Prayer’s Secret Formula

1 John 3:21-22           Millions of people around the world love to gamble. It is part of their lives. They arrive at the airport late banking on their charm to get them onto the plane in time. That is a gamble. Some do it with their money as they “invest” in the stock market. SomeContinue reading “Answered Prayer’s Secret Formula”