We Know – Part Two

1 John 5:19           Sometimes it is important to know your family tree. With some diseases that are passed down through the generations, it can be good to know if they have passed something to you. Of course it would be better if there was something you could do to prevent the disease taking overContinue reading “We Know – Part Two”

We Know – Part One

1 John 5:18           I am glad we can actually know things. With the advent of Google searches we can know so much and yet know so little. The knowledge is available, but we must take the opportunity to learn it, to explore, to gather and partake. But even if we have head knowledge, weContinue reading “We Know – Part One”

Radio Repeaters

1 John 5:14-15           Radio Repeaters are devices that receive a radio signal that is weak and then amplify it and send it out again. Sometimes they transmit on the same frequency that they received. Sometimes they send it out on a different frequency. The content of the signal doesn’t change. What they received theyContinue reading “Radio Repeaters”

Liar, Liar, God’s on Fire

1 John 5:10-12           Most of us don’t like liars. But many of us have lied at least once in our lives. We chose to cover something up in the moment, thinking it would cause us less pain. Lying is usually done to protect self. Some make lying a second profession. For those people, theyContinue reading “Liar, Liar, God’s on Fire”

Raise Your Right Hand, Please

1 John 5:7-9           Giving testimony in court used to be something sacred. You would raise your right hand, place the left hand on the Bible, and swear to tell the whole truth with God’s help. God was actually invited into the courtroom! That was a different day.           Today the character of so manyContinue reading “Raise Your Right Hand, Please”