Tax Day Cometh!

Matthew 22:17 “Tell us then, what is your opinion? Is it right to pay the imperial tax to Caesar or not?”

With our tax day rapidly approaching this age old question is just as relevant now as it was then. I don’t know too many people who enjoy paying taxes. Most of us think they are too high.

We view it this way because, I think, we don’t see the benefits of those taxes. We too often miss what those taxes to go support. And perhaps that is why we can’t see the positive side of the equation. Taxes help the people.

But in our current day, there are many who would say that the money is being wasted on things that hurt rather than help the people. The benefits go to those who don’t really need any more benefits. They are rich already.

But Jesus isn’t commenting on our modern taxation system. He is speaking about first century taxation under Roman rule as an occupied people. There were two taxation systems, one for citizens and one for captive peoples.

So let’s set the scene. The religious leaders are setting traps in hopes of catching Jesus off guard, thus providing a reason to arrest him and get him out of their hair. He has become a thorn in their side, his teaching rubbing them the wrong way, making them uncomfortable. And none of us like being uncomfortable.

The Roman coin had Caesar’s image stamped on it, just as our coins and bills have important people’s faces on them. They speak about our history and those who were part of our country’s formation, its ideals and principles. Not everyone’s picture is enshrined on our money, but a select few.

Jesus unwinds their trap right before their eyes. Caesar’s money has his image so it belongs to him. But whose money has God’s image stamped on it? Who bears God’s image? That is who should yield to God.

We of course are made in God’s image and likeness and are to be shining examples of his character and actions in the world. When people see us, they should see his image stamped on us. Give Caesar his coinage and give yourself to God. Their trap didn’t spring! Jesus sprung one on them!

They end up amazed. This was not supposed to happen. They had a growing hatred of Jesus, so amazed is the last thing they should be feeling.

Are you a sharp, crisp, freshly minted image of God, or have you allowed his image to become worn and unrecognizable? When people look at you and your life, what do they see? At your worst moments? In your private spaces?

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