Right Away

Joshua 7:1 But the Israelites were unfaithful in regard to the devoted things; Achan son of Karmi, the son of Zimri, the son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah, took some of them. So the LORD’s anger burned against Israel.

Have you ever noticed how fast New Year’s resolutions are broken! They work for about two weeks, and then they slowly, then rapidly stop. Almost all have ceased by February. That is why groups like Celebrate Recovery are so helpful for those struggling to stick with new life choices. Support and reminders can help people over the humps.

Notice that the pledges for a balanced federal budget were short-lived. And as we have rebounded, we have become much worse than we were before the pledge. Unfortunately, a budgetary day of reckoning will be showing up at your wallet very soon.

We even have the “United Nations” organization to solve world problems. But have you noticed the lack of backbone to stand up against evil, or even name it evil! How can that group do anything if they can’t even name evil. The promise of peaceful resolutions: empty.

This is the history of humanity. Promises made, promises broken. People don’t keep their word. Not everyone on every occasion, but enough to make it a pattern.

Our text begins to tell the account of Israel’s failure to obey. It gets told through the lens of on man’s sin, Achan. This is the scene.

The Israelites are going into the Promised Land. They pledged to fully obey Joshua. Crossed Jordan on dry ground paralleling the Exodus Red Sea crossing. They have watched the LORD make the walls fall at Jericho. Some pretty impressive actions to show that the LORD is no one to be ignored.

And they Achan ignores his pledge to fully obey. He takes some of the plunder of Jericho, all of which was to be burned or given to the LORD. Such a simple request couldn’t be obeyed.

It didn’t take long for Achan to turn away and disobey. He saw, he desired, he took, he hid, he lied. And in the end he paid with his life.

But it wasn’t only Achan who paid. Israel lost a battle and some soldiers because of his sin. Achan’s family was killed as part of the punishment, a cleansing of the camp of Israel.

Rebellion has tentacles that reach far beyond the original sin. It is yeast that works through the whole lump of dough. Small sins have a tendency to grow in scope and power in our lives. They must be killed immediately, no delay. We must stamp them out in our own lives first.

As we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus today, remember the price He paid to set us free from this deadly sin cycle. There is a way to obedience open to us. Forgiveness starts the journey.

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