All Stirred Up

Acts 6:12 12 So they stirred up the people and the elders and the teachers of the law. They seized Stephen and brought him before the Sanhedrin.

Have you noticed that so many people are led by their emotions these days. Maybe people have always been led by their emotions, following them with their decisions wherever the whims of fancy led. Wars have been started for less.

Too many people “wear their emotions on their sleeves.” We called a segment of our society “snowflakes” as a result. Everything that was just a little bit disturbing would melt them, turning them into a puddle of tears or anger. They had been so protected by the adults in their lives that they hadn’t learn to weather the storms of emotions. They just had to ride the waves.

While this might be disturbing, there are people at the opposite end of the emotional spectrum who never seem to be moved. Death happens and they seemingly continue life without any ill effects. Their faces, and perhaps even their heart rates aren’t changed. They become ancient busts chiseled out of marble.

We are in an election season again, and I am afraid emotions are playing too large a part in our choices for leaders. And for so many, there is more revulsion to the opposing candidate than there is attraction to their own. Emotions are overriding reason.

Our text tells us of a moment in the early Church when emotions were running high. The religious leaders who opposed the message of Jesus’ resurrection had begun actively opposing this new movement. Even when something wonderful like the healing of someone who was paralyzed, they stand up against it in defiance.

Much of this has to do with their own jealousy, a powerful emotion indeed. Many a murder has been perpetrated by a jealous love interest. Just read a murder mystery and you will find out, the jilted spouse did it!

Stephen happened to be in the wrong place that day, standing up for and preaching the freedom that comes in Jesus. And they don’t like it one bit. They try arguing with Stephen, but their words are no match for the Spirit of God. They are losing and they know it.

So they play on their emotions, and the emotions of the people. There is nothing quite like a mob ruled by emotional fervor. And when emotions are high, evidence is hidden and only the official version of events is allowed to be spoken.

But something happens. Stephen stands strong. His face reflects the presence of the LORD, and these opponents see it. And this makes them even more stubborn in their quest to push their agenda. They are going to kill Stephen one way or the other.

When was the last time you let your emotions drive you down a path that you later regretted taking? Be willing to backtrack rapidly rather than continuing down the wrong path.

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