Enduring Love Psalm 136:1-3

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. 
His love endures forever. 
Give thanks to the God of gods. 
His love endures forever. 
Give thanks to the Lord of lords: 
His love endures forever. 

Sometimes do miss the obvious message. We see the billboard with our name displayed asking us for our hand in marriage, and we just act as though nothing has happened. We hear the strange rattle in the engine of our car, and we keep driving choosing to ignore it. We see the frown on our spouses face and we don’t bother to ask what is wrong.

But if there is one message we need to hear today, it is the message of Psalm 136. And that message is clear, closing out each verse like a jack hammer pounding on our hearts, breaking up the stubbornness and deafness. And yet we miss it.

The message is clear as crystal. The LORD’s love keeps going, and going, and going. There is no end to that love. There are no limits in time beyond which His love does not extend.

I fear what many people hear when they read this Psalm is this: This might be true for other people, but not for me. His love can’t reach me. His love left me in the lurch a long time ago.

But that isn’t what this Psalm declares. This is probably an antiphonal psalm, two groups singing in alternating rounds. Can you imagine repeatedly singing “His love endures forever” or hearing the other groups singing these words? How difficult would it be to miss this clear message?

And yet there are groups of Christians today who hear the central message of the Gospel through a very different lens than this lens of His enduring love. They hear it through the sinfulness of humanity lens. They hear it through the lens of you will never be good enough.

Hear the message today. He loves us. There is no end to that love. Sit in that love. Splash around as though you were a toddler sitting in the sand at the beach, feet being splashed by the lapping waves. Giggle in response to His love.

Not every god is worthy of this kind of response. Most of the gods of this world don’t claim to have endless love for us. There are conditions galore to that love, if love even fits in their scheme.

But the LORD, the God who revealed Himself in history through His relationship with Israel, this God loves us, and continues to love us. Even when we fail, which we will, He still loves us. Nothing can get in the way of that love, if we will just receive it. He has even provided the way for restoration after rebellion. He provides forgiveness through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.

So, if you are tempted today to speak a negative word about yourself today, remember the words of this Psalm. “His love endures forever.” “His love endures forever.” “His love endures forever.” “His love endures forever.” “His love endures forever.” “His love endures forever.” “His love endures forever.” “His love endures forever.” “His love endures forever.” “His love endures forever.” “His love endures forever.” “His love endures forever.”…

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