Numbers 19:11-12 Ash Water

Numbers 19:11-12 “Whoever touches a human corpse will be unclean for seven days. 12 They must purify themselves with the water on the third day and on the seventh day; then they will be clean. But if they do not purify themselves on the third and seventh days, they will not be clean.

“No one is above the law,” the saying goes. This is especially true of those in power, or at least that is what we used to think. With greater power comes greater responsibility. We have written that higher standard into codes of conduct for certain professions. Lawyers, medical professionals, and counselors all must avoid certain behaviors with their clients. If they don’t, they could loose their state licenses.

Even politicians have codes of conduct, rules by which they must govern. The laws dictate how they can receive gifts, and what the limit on those gifts must be. They have reporting requirements. But too often these standards are not enforced.

As a believer in Jesus, we have a code of conduct. We are to live as Jesus did. Wearing sandals is now required. A tunic is the new purchase in your online shopping cart. You can throw those razors away, for the beard must grow. Or do we?

Out text brings us to a standard of conduct for the Levites who helped out at the Tabernacle. Because of this proximity to the Holy, they had to remain holy. But what would happen if they became contaminated, broke one of the rules? How could they be restored.

This is where our text lands in the narrative. It is the cleaning process for Levites. There is a way for them to be cleansed. But it sounds a bit ridiculous, if you ask me.

This is the procedure. Take some special ashes and put it in water. Then have a friend who isn’t unclean sprinkle it on you three days and seven days after you broke the rule. Do this and you will be clean. You can return to work at the Tabernacle.

This sounds pretty easy. But to our ears, what is the purpose other than a symbolic cleansing? What a silly thing to do. How can ash water purify anyone?

I think the reason we have trouble understanding this ancient ritual is because we get suck on our Western idea of bacteria and viruses. We think in medical terms. We want to call Infection Control. We want to get the CDC guidelines to help us navigate life.

But this isn’t about biological disinfection. This isn’t about getting rid of the smudges on your child’s cheeks after eating chocolate cake. This is about something much more fundamental.

Remember that Israel is in part one of a training program. They continue to flunk out of the most basic course in the “Living for God” curricula. This first lesson is on obedience. They just can’t seem to get it right.

Their natural inclination is to rebel, and rebel big time. They have a hard time following instructions. So the LORD makes even easier instructions for them to follow. And these leaders, these Levites, get to step up and obey this simple test.

It would not be unusual for an Israelite to be around someone who died. Moses has told them that all those 20 and older will not enter the Promised Land, but will die in the dessert because of their stubborn rebellion. So just like us, everyone older than us will be dying. And then it will be our turn.

So light of this reality, the LORD provides a simple way, an almost sacrifice free way of getting back on track with the LORD and with their ministry. Sprinkle some ash water twice, day three and seven. Do this and live.

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