Exodus 28:2 Fancy Clothing

Exodus 28:2 Make sacred garments for your brother Aaron to give him dignity and honor.

These days, people don’t seem to dress up very much. They seem to wear whatever is most comfortable. Just take a look at what people wear to go shopping. Pajamas are acceptable for some people. And it isn’t just a WalMart anymore.

But clothing can impact the impression that a person exudes. We see thing in the Hollywood Red Carpet events. They seem to wear, especially the women, the stranger outfits. Some barely cover up the parts that should remain hidden, at least from my point of view. Too much money for an outfit that can only be worn one time. They would never think about repeating.

Outward appearance means so much to so many people. But we all wish some people would care at least a little bit about their appearance. We don’t want them to go “red carpet” on us, but it would be nice for a little upgrade in appearance.

Our text comes in the middle of the instructions about the making of the new temporary residence of the LORD among His people. The physical space is to be built a certain way, following the pattern that has been established. Everything about this tent of meeting is specified.

And even the garments of those who will serve before the LORD in that place had to be made a certain way, serving a particular function. The priestly robe was supposed to be a certain way with a particular end in mind for those who would see the clothing.

So when people, including the priests themselves, see these outfits, the clothing raises expectations. They are sacred garments, garments that are holy. They only have one purpose: covering the human wearers with dignity and honor.

These words, dignity and honor, are most often used by people who are describing the LORD Himself. These two attributes are most often attributed to the LORD. Think about this. The priest, Aaron, Moses’ brother, will be wearing garments that raise his level of dignity and honor to approximate the dignity and honor that the LORD exclusively has.

Aaron will share in something that the LORD possesses in Himself by way of clothing designed specifically for him as he operates in his official duties. Aaron borrows from the LORD dignity and honor. That word for dignity is the same word that gets translated “glory” so often. It is the weightiness that comes as an outgrowth of the person of God.

So Aaron will function as humanity’s emissary into the presence of the LORD in the Tabernacle. He will be wearing symbols of the dignity with which humanity was created, in His image and in His likeness. Dignity and honor are the hallmarks of the LORD’s mark on humanity.

So why do we not live in light of this reality? Why do we not walk through our lives with our heads held high, displaying the dignity and honor of the LORD?This is what gets restored on the Cross. What once held us captive has now be vanquished. We are victorious in Him.

And we of all people should be walking this out in our lives. We should also be reflecting that dignity and honor onto other people with whom we interact. They too are created in His image and likeness. And just as that dignity and honor gets hidden by our fallenness, this doesn’t change the reality that we are to shine His glory, not our own shattered visage.

All is to His glory! He is worth celebrating. He is worth reflecting.

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