Whose Side? – Revelation 17:14

Revelation 17:14 They will wage war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will triumph over them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings — and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers.”

Have you ever wondered about your future? So many of us, when we were young, wondered about our careers, our place in the labor world. We thought about fireman, policeman, or astronaut. A few thought about doctor or nurse, bus driver or school teacher. These easily identified professions seemed to be top on the list.

But not many people chose plumber, electrician, HVAC technician, auto mechanic, septic tank cleaner, grease pit sucker, or large animal butcher. When we are young, we tend to pick the jobs that we read about in children’s books. When was the last time a septic tank cleaner was in a children’s book?

Now that I am past the stage of picking a career, I still think about the future. When do I want to retire? What do I want to do with my time when I retire? Will I be able to retire at all?

But retirement doesn’t end the questions. As people approach death they often look back on life and have questions about their own contribution to the world. And at the same time, looking forward, often wondering if what they believed about heaven and eternity was correct.

Our text, giving us a glimpse into that future, shows a moment when the opponents of God are defeated. Can you imagine a world where all those who oppose God’s will and design for this world are removed and only those who support His will remain? That is what will happen when the Lamb is triumphant.

But where is our place in all this? We have seen a heavenly barrage heading Earth’s direction as we have read the previous few chapters. God’s wrath, as a tool to bring about repentance, has fallen across all of Earth’s habitations. The inhabitants of the seas, rivers, lakes, land and sky have all been on the receiving end of God’s judgment.

But now it is announced in our text, that the Lamb will triumph over them. How is this possible that Jesus will be triumphant? His qualifications can’t be questioned. He is top dog! If there are any lords in the Universe, He is Lord of them all. The same with kings.

And what I find exhilarating is that I am there with Him in that moment. I am one of His called, chosen and faithful followers. I have a place in the future already laid out for me. My ticket is reserved and my place marked. I am His!

Now that you know you have a place, either at Jesus side in triumph, or as one of the myriad of those under judgment, how that that feel to you? Is this where you want to spend eternity? 

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