Stubborn – Revelation 16:11

Revelation 16:11 and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done. 

One of the difficult things to admit in life is when we are wrong. We see it every day in the news. People are caught ignoring their own rules, and they refuse to even acknowledge their own hypocrisy. When discovered, it is amazing the excuses and obfuscation that takes place. But we are all pretty good at this, aren’t we?

Ever since the beginning of time we have pointed the finger at someone else. I am not sure what it is in us that drives us to avoid taking responsibility, but it sure seems to be something we all do. Even if we admit our error, we feel an internal tug in the other direction. I know sin plays its role, but why is admitting error so difficult for so many people?

Our text is speaking about the time in the future when God will be wrapping things up, getting ready for full restoration of the whole of creation. The old heaven and earth will be replaced by a new heaven and earth. We will be fulfilling God’s original plan for humans as His creatures in charge of this planet under His leadership.

But there will be those people leading up to that time, who will refuse to see things God’s way. They will want to go it alone. And when they violate, not just their own standards, but the standards of God, they will deny it to the end. These are the people spoken of in our text.

They refuse to repent. Refuse! It is an act of their will, standing in opposition to God’s rule and reign. Even when they know that the pain and physical suffering they are going through is as a result of their willful violation of God’s directive, they will choose pain and suffering instead of repentance. Wow, that is some stubbornness!

God’s judgments are always meant as calls to repentance. God wants us to  be in right relationship with Him in order for His blessing to be in our lives. He designed us to operate within certain parameters. We function best within His protective fences.

When we get outside His protective fences, there is imminent danger. He wants to save us from that headache and harm, thus the fences. But we must acknowledge that the fences are a good thing. Instead of seeing the cautions as a helpful and positive thing, many people see them as restricting their freedom. And for those of us in the West, freedom is more important that eternity!

In this section of the Scriptures there are a series of judgments being poured out on those who refuse to acknowledge and submit to God. People received physical illness. The oceans and fresh water estuaries turned toxic and the life died it them. Even they sky turned against humanity, becoming too bright and hot.

And then the beast and his kingdom. Those who were members of that kingdom received agony in exchange for their loyalty to the beast. And even as these things are happening, they will know their suffering is their own fault.

How far has our ability to avoid repentance taken us? What areas of life are we just as stubborn as these followers of the beast? Isn’t it time we truly repented and changed that area of our lives?

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