Temple – Revelation 11:19

Revelation 11:19Then God’s temple in heaven was opened, and within his temple was seen the ark of his covenant And there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, and an earthquake and a severe hailstorm.

One of the understandings of the two tablets of the Ten Commandments was that they were identical copies, one for each of the parties of the agreement. One copy kept by the LORD, and one copy for the people of Israel. Both were kept in their respective temples as a way to signify knowledge and willing compliance to the terms of the agreement.

This way of thinking about the covenant document was a common way treaties were written and authenticated during that period in history and in that region of the world. They were called Suzerain Treaties. They were between a more powerful, usually victor in battle, and their now weaker and subjugated servants.

In the establishment narratives of the first five books of the Scriptures, we read about Moses being told to make the earthly copy of the heavenly temple “according to the pattern shown you on the mountain.” He had a vision of what the heavenly temple looked like, and he was to copy that pattern when he made the earthly temple.

Now I thought for years that the heavenly temple must have been made obsolete when Jesus accomplished His mission here on Earth. I was sure the LORD had taken it apart and placed it in longterm storage, to be taken out when the Church arrives and we start our “History of Mankind and God’s Intervention” exhibit tours. We have questions now that seeing the real thing would answer.

But our text tells us that in the future when these events described in our text happen, there will be a temple in heaven with the ark of His covenant for all to see. What is the reason for keeping the ark of the covenant there? Does the LORD continue to hold up His side of the covenant He made with Israel forever, just like the words of the Covenant affirm?

The scene is reminiscent of what happened when Jesus died on the Cross and the veil in the Temple was torn in two, the earth shook, and tombs were opened. When access into God’s presence happens, the very elements of creation respond with shouts of their own making. When heaven interacts with earth, this is often the reaction of earth.

When the LORD showed up and presented Himself before Moses in the crevice of the cliff, there was great commotion, wind, rain, POWER! Then the LORD showed up, after His entourage cleared the way, in a still whisper.

So as John watches the scene unfold before Him in the presence of inhabitants of heaven, he sees the temple open and all heaven breaks loose. It looks like the judgment contained in the covenant is ready to break loose. It has been held back by the grace of God, wanting all to repent.

It is only in Jesus that the wrath of God can be held at bay, only in Jesus that God’s wrath is satisfied. But there are those who choose to be outside of God’s grace, the provision of reconciliation in the person and work of Jesus. For those people, the wrath of God still has power and is coming to a theater near you. Remember, the whole world’s a stage.

But, reconciliation and restoration is on the way. When we stand “in Him” then we are no longer under God’s wrath. We have become His family, love d and chosen.

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