Surprise! – 1 Thessalonians 5:4

1 Thessalonians 5:4 But you, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief.

I am a light sleeper. I wake at almost any noise. I also fall asleep very slowly and wake up frequently. I am told, by my Mother, that it is inherited. I wish she had just left me money instead of insomnia!

But there are advantages to being a light sleeper, but don’t ask me what they are! Others in my family are sound sleepers, falling asleep very rapidly and sleeping very deeply, sleeping through almost everything. I am better if a burglar enters, and they are better when a restless spouse stirs frequently. Their sleep is not disturbed.

Our text comes near the front of a passage dealing with the second coming of Jesus and the end of the ages. There is so much difference of opinion around the timing of the events outlined in the Scriptures that I am not going to attempt to resolve. Almost all people who study the Scriptures and believe them to be God’s word to humanity believe that Jesus is going to return and set up His Kingdom.

These believers are getting Lesson 101 of Paul’s End Time Events course. The first lesson is that there will be people who will be unprepared for Jesus’ return. They will be surprised by Jesus’ coming again. It will be sudden for them, since they are not looking for the even to happen. They live in the dark.

For the believers in Thessalonica, it will not be a surprise. They are looking for it. They anticipate His return with joy. Their senses are not dulled, but instead are fully awake.

It seems as though too many Christians are being lulled asleep by the comforts and conveniences of everyday life. We pull our our credit cards and purchase without thought to the payment due date. We drive into our gated communities and live behind our walls of protection. We have concealed carry permits.

We focus so much on physical safety and security, that our spiritual safety and security take a back seat, if they are part of the equation at all. Like lemmings, we follow the crowd and walk off the proverbial cliff. Our stated priorities get outvoted by our actual actions and attitudes.

We are not living with our eyes wide open and our hearts tuned to the Holy Spirit’s promptings. We pray for safety while our brothers and sisters around the globe are being tortured and killed for their faith. We order our Latte or Cappuccino while pastors in these countries struggle to feed their families.

We need to be awake and alert, ready for the return of Jesus. His return will not be a surprise to us, since we are looking for the signs that will accompany it. We won’t be deceived by false prophets or alternative worldviews. We will stand true no matter what comes our direction.

Our lives will reflect His life. We will stand apart from the majority of the world because our moral values and lifestyle choices will reflect the reality that we are only here temporarily. Our home is beyond these four walls. Eternity awaits.

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