Love Is – Ephesians 5:1-2

Ephesians 5;1-2 Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children 2 and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

One of the most difficult things to do on a consistent basis is think about other people first. We can consider other people occasionally when we make decisions, but to do this consistently and thoroughly is a massive undertaking.

Think about it. When you choose a restaurant, do you choose what you want to eat, or what the other person wants to eat? You picked your car based on what you wanted, not what your neighbor wanted. You decorate your house based on what you like, not on what the person across town likes.

The reality is, that we are primarily selfish people. We must go against this selfishness in order to be better people, make a positive impact on our community, and serve the needs of others. But this is in many ways contrary to the way Capitalism functions today. Yes we make products other people will purchase, but we do it to make ourselves and our investors rich.

Even those who are at the top of the wealth pile give very little of their wealth to help others. Those who have the most disposable income keep the most. Now I don’t think that any of you reading this blog are in that ultra-rich category, but how are you doing at meeting other’s needs and not your own?

Our text tells us that “the way of love” is something we are to work toward living. And the prime example of this way of love is Jesus’ life and death. He was willing to go against what He wanted and freely give up His life for our sins, to bring us into right relationship with God and with each other. This is self-sacrifice at its finest.

Love requires thinking of the other person first, considering what is best for them, and then doing that very thing. Love pulls us out of our selfishness and leads us to dying daily. Love is hard work!

I guess that is why so many choose to live on the edge of Christianity. They like the music, the fellowship, the uplifting atmosphere, and here in the West, the fact that the church doesn’t mess with your private life. You get all the benefits of being in a positive environment, and bring your kids (because they need a set of moral values), without all the mess of actually being all in.

If we can learn anything from the news it is this: there are Christians in other parts of the world who don’t live on the fringes. They are in the thick of it. They are putting their lives on the line for Jesus, because their lives have been changed and they don’t care who knows about it.

Perhaps the real reason people live on the fringes is that their lives haven’t been changed. They haven’t given Jesus control of their lives. They continue to be selfish and wouldn’t even consider love in this radical way. Comfort and safety have become the bywords of their lives.

Love is scary, risky, costly.

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