Additional – Galatians 2:12

Galatians 2:12 For before certain men came from James, he used to eat with the Gentiles. But when they arrived, he began to draw back and separate himself from the Gentiles because he was afraid of those who belonged to the circumcision group.

My wife was out shopping with one of our grandsons near the beginning of this COVID flu that has consumed the world. She was in the checkout line and the woman in line in front of them turned to speak with fear, a scowl and a stare, “Back up, don’t get me sick.” She expressed fear, especially of my grandson and his saliva soaked bandana used as a face covering.

But what stood out to my wife was what was written on her hat. It said, “Way Maker, Miracle Worker.” The message on the hat spoke hope, but her attitude and actions spoke a completely different message. Her fear overpowered any faith she might have had in that moment. She was relying on her mask to save her.

But sending double messages is a common thing. We can do it without even knowing it. But I think we too often do it with silence, when speaking up is what is needed.

Paul, in our text, recounts how he called out Peter over his hypocritical behavior. Peter had come to understand that the Old Testament laws around ritual purity no longer applied in this new Gospel era. They had a place, time and purpose, but that had passed. The Law which had turned into an end, had only been a means.

Peter had been freely eating with non-Jewish people without any difficulties. He acknowledged that the ritual purity laws had been fulfilled in Jesus, and consequently they no longer needed to be followed. All food, and all people, were now clean. Jesus had broken down the barriers that had existed and opened the door to freedom.

Our text records that Peter was afraid of the circumcision group. Their sway in Peter’s life was greater than the Gospel. He worried more about what they might say than about the Truth. Does this sound like the “cancel” of our day?

Are we afraid to say and do certain things because of pressure from some group? Are we cowering back in our proclamation of the Gospel because of the negative consequences that might happen? Are we rewording the Gospel in order to “not offend” anyone?

If we are, then maybe Paul should write a letter to us, condemning us and calling out our hypocrisy.

You see, Peter was in a position of power and influence. People followed him and his example. And that is where the danger multiplies. When he stepped back from the proclamation of the full gospel through his actions, other people followed his example. He introduced a false teaching and others began to follow.

We might not want to see this as dangerous, but eternity was in the balance. No outward action improves our standing with the LORD. If we are in Jesus, then we have total acceptance before the LORD. Nothing separates us because sin has been removed as a barrier.

So by Peter reintroducing dietary restrictions back into the salvation equation, he was introducing ‘another gospel’ other than the one they had already received. It is never faith plus works, or anything else for that matter. Our trust in Jesus bridges that gap. Faith in Jesus makes the way clear, and faith carries us beyond that first act of faith into a life of obedience that now flows from our hearts of faith.

So, let us not draw back, adding ‘wokeness’ to the Gospel, or anything else for that matter. The Gospel is sufficient. Obey what the Scripture says about all barriers being removed. Let us treat all with the respect that comes with the honor of being created in His Image.

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