Hard Work – 1 Corinthians 9:26

1 Corinthians 9:26 Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air.

Hard work is something that seems to be avoided by so many during this period in our history. The trend seems to be to avoid anything difficult at all costs. We have those that get triggered when someone mentions a word, having to then retreat to their safe place. Soft and weak get eaten by the lions of this world. I don’t want to be eaten and I want to help others escape that fate.

I think we have been too easy on ourselves and on those who have followed us. We have tried to eliminate challenges and difficulties, believing we were sparing them pain. Instead, we were depriving them of the very things that would help them grow and mature. Those of us who are older can own this process.

But those who are younger need to own their side of it. They also chose the easy way, the way of least resistance. Now this isn’t true of all younger people, but the disciplined ones are the minority. Hard work is not to be avoided, it is to be embraced.

Paul has embraced this message when it comes to spiritual growth. If we want to be strong we must be like marathon runners and professional boxers. We must be in the spiritual gym every day. We must have a plan for growth and stick to it, even when it gets difficult. When we push through the difficulties, then growth is achieved.

The problem isn’t “out there” in someone else, it is right inside us. We are our own worst enemy when it comes to spiritual growth. The LORD is all about growth. He has provided the Holy Spirit who is in and with us. He is here to provide what we lack, to encourage and challenge us. We must just respond to His promptings.

Now I don’t know what your challenges are at this moment. I don’t know the difficulties you are facing. But I do know this, if you are not facing challenges and difficulties, then you will not grow. You will stagnate and wither on the vine. You will become fruitless. The very purpose for which you were created will go unfulfilled.

In order for growth to take place, we must have clear goals. We can’t run aimlessly. We must run toward the finish line along the shortest possible route. Every side step moves us away from achieving the prize. Every wasted movement robs energy that needs to be put toward achieving the goal.

But so many people don’t have goals, real tangible, measurable goals. They have vague ideas about what they want and where they want to be in the future, but it is all pie-in-the-sky, dreamy, drift along with the wind language and action. The old adage “if you aim for nothing you are sure to hit it” is true. We can’t be aimless as a Jesus-follower.

But we also need to conserve our efforts. A boxer who just throws punches uses up all their energy. Better to throw one punch and have it land, than to throw a hundred and never connect. Each of us only have so much energy. We can’t afford to waste it.

We must learn to say “No” to those things that are not connected to the accomplishment of our mission. Saying “No” to the good things, but non-essential things, helps us conserve our energy. Just punching the air doesn’t move us forward. Others are gifted for those other tasks. Don’t deprive them of their opportunity to be used in their gifting. And don’t feel the obligation to rescue them when things get tough for them. Encourage them to see it through and they will grow.

Are there things that you are doing that you shouldn’t be, things pulling you off course, wasting your energies? If there are, then today is the day to begin to say “No!” Write down your goals, short and longterm. Then begin to everyday evaluate the tasks before you in light of those goals. Those that line up with those goals, do. Those that don’t, don’t.

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