Diet! – Romans 14:8

Romans 14:8 If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.

Vegan, Keto, Paleo, Organic, Vegetarian, Lactose Intolerant, Glutten Free, Bacon! We read and hear so much today about diets, not just the kind used to loose weight, but about the eating discipline that various people adopt for a whole variety of reasons. Animal rights, personal allergic reaction, elimination of toxins, political ideology, and a host of other reasons propel people to change their diet and often preach it to others.

There can be a judgement that happens when these confrontations take place. The person on the diet looks down on the one who isn’t on that same diet. There might even be the air of superiority in the tone of voice and words spoken, almost an “I’m better than you” kind of flavor.

But as Christians, these types of distinctions and judgements just don’t fit with the Gospel. Paul makes this plain in our passage today. Whether it is about food or about special celebrations on the calendar, neither is to become a dividing point between believers.

That is because we each are in relationship with the LORD personally, and the Holy Spirit is to be leading and guiding us as we live out the Scriptures. He holds us accountable for our responses to Him. He is in charge of us, not other people.

And this is the reason Paul writes that we are responsible to other people for the way we live our lives. We are not to do anything that will lead others to stumble in their faith. We shouldn’t flaunt our diet or religious celebrations as a means to shaming fellow believers. These matters are between you and the LORD.

To put it in modern language, there is to be no virtue signaling in regards to the things we do out of obedience to the LORD. Obedience doesn’t merit special treatment. We don’t finish a job as an employee and then expect to be treated like the CEO. We are an hourly employee and it is proper for us to be treated like one. It would be grace to be treated other than that.

If the LORD instructs us to do or not to do, our job is to do what He says. We will always be servants, loved and adopted, but still in our place. It is not our place to judge others by our standards, by our job description. We must leave room for the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives, just as we want the Holy Spirit to work in ours.

We have a responsibility to be obedient and to not do things on purpose that would offend other believers and place obstacles in their walk of obedience. When we virtue signal, we are not speaking kindness and gentleness to each other. Instead, we are speaking condemnation. And there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.

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