Killed – John 16:2

John 16:2 They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, the time is coming when anyone who kills you will think they are offering a service to God.

Those who try to present the world as always improving, getting better and better, with ever increasing kindness, have a serious problem with reality. No amount of education, or reeducation can change the human heart. And despite the claims of enlightenment by the ‘woke’ crowd, the evil heart still reigns in this world.

Those opposing the Cross are getting stronger in the opposition. Just take a look at the persecutions taking place around the globe. There seems to be a coordinated effort to erase Christians from the face of the earth.

But that is not the whole story. There are tremendous outpourings of the Holy Spirit and miraculous conversions taking place. Millions are coming to a saving knowledge of Jesus around the globe, even in the face of persecution and death. The Cross of Christ still has the power to change lives.

Jesus in His final moments with His disciples, before His betrayal and crucifixion, spends time giving the disciples a heads up about what to expect in the future, both near and distant. This whole chapter is about preparing them for His departure.

I don’t know about you, but when bad things are coming, I like getting a heads up. I can deal with the bad news much better if I have some time to process and prepare for it. Bad news dropped without any notice can be overwhelming. But even the worst news can be swallowed if given enough time to cut and chew.

Jesus loves His disciples so much that He gives them a warning. They are going to get kicked out of the synagogue. This might not seem like much to us, but the synagogue was the center of Jewish life in Jesus’ day. It wasn’t just a religious thing. It provided connection to a community for caring and support. So getting kicked out of the synagogue meant having to fend for yourself in a hostile world.

Think about those convicted of a felony crime in our current age. Once they finish their sentence, they still carry a stigma with them. They have difficulty getting a job. Depending on the crime, they might have difficulty rejoining a church. They feel the stigma of their past all too often.

Or those on the sex offense registry. They are tracked by the state and must inform them of their moves. They even show up on a special map that can be viewed online. I don’t know about you, but I am glad I am not on one of those registries!

Now imagine a small town, like those of Jesus’ day, and everyone in that town knows everyone else’s business, like what is normal in small town life. And you get kicked out of your church, and the reason gets known to everyone in that town.

Notice the whispered conversations that happen, the wary glances that come your direction.

But Jesus also says that they will be killed! And those who do the killing will think they are doing God’s will. Those who killed Jesus thought they were doing God’s will. And the same fate awaits the disciples, not just the twelve, but the larger group of Jesus’ followers.

And the same fate awaits some of us today. Get ready to get ‘canceled’ because of our faith in Jesus. We will lose jobs, careers, connections. We will be isolated and ostracized. And some of us will be killed.

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