Divisions! – John 7:43

John 7:43 Thus the people were divided because of Jesus.

We sometimes think that our current divisions are unique or much worse than they were in the past. We too often have a limited view of history, choosing to forget or are unaware of the turmoil of the past generations. We want so desperately to believe that harmony is the norm, that when turmoil comes, we are shocked.

But we shouldn’t be shocked. Division is the norm for humanity. We are not getting better. We are the same broken now that we have always been. It is rare for humans to be united. Division is the norm.

That is one of the amazing things about the Church down through history. In spite of the divisions, the Church has been able to accomplish some extremely powerful things when we come together. Think about the universities, hospitals, orphanages, and schools that have been run around the world. Hundreds of millions of people have been positively affected down through the centuries.

Jesus has always been a divider! Brother against brother. Father against son. Mother against daughter. Children against parents.

And now in our text, there is a division because what Jesus is saying and doing. Jesus’ followers, the people, the religious leaders, the political leaders, the sick, the demon possessed. Each had different opinions about who Jesus was and whether He was a threat to their standing. Some had hope and came for miles to just be in Jesus’ presence. Talk about division!

Now Jesus was not ‘woke.’ He didn’t care about political correctness. He stepped on toes all day long. His message was offensive. Truth is offensive. Truth leaves no wiggle room.

But He also brought a hope that was needed by so many. Think about those he healed who had been suffering for so many years. Remember the sick children who were healed, the poor who were cared for, the unloved who were accepted. This kind of behavior divides.

It is a shame for our culture that there are those who are choosing to divide, choosing to make unnecessary distinctions, focusing on insignificant differences instead of focusing on what unites us.

But we can be united in Jesus! He desires that we come together in Him. We become one family. All the old divisions disappear. They just aren’t important any longer. So let’s just begin to act that way now. Let’s ignore the divisions and come together in Him.

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