Firm Against the Waves – Psalm 93:1

Psalm 93:1 The LORD reigns, he is robed in majesty; the LORD is robed in majesty and armed with strength; indeed, the world is established, firm and secure.

One of the scariest moments in my life happened on my Dad’s sailboat. What made it terrifying was the look on my Dad’s face. He was afraid! And my Dad had sailed his whole life. He knew about sailing, so if he was afraid, I had better be also.

The power of large bodies of water and wind should not be underestimated. Especially when those waters cause a boat to run aground. The same water that lifts a boat on a wave can just as easily drop and allow a very small portion of the boat to carry the full weight of the entire vessel landing on solid ground, something it is not designed to do.

What brings this to mind was an article I recently read about the rebuilding of one small coastal city in Japan after the tsunami wiped it off the map in 2011. The waters just scrapped the ground clean, leaving only debris in its wake. Waters are powerful.

Our text begins with a straight forward declaration of the LORD’s position in the world. He is “established, firm and secure.” Nothing will move Him. No power exists to pull Him off His foundation.

The Psalm continues and talks specifically about the seas being “lifted up” in power. The pounding of waves sculpts the coastlines of continents around the world. Solid rock cliffs don’t stand a chance against the unending pounding of the waves. The action makes beautiful rocky, wave-splashing pictures, but it lowers the property value when to much of the rock has given way.

But even the strength of these waters, these pounding waves, is nothing compared to the power and strength of the LORD. His Law, His character, and His holiness will never be shaken. He can withstand any assault.

That is the point of this Psalm. We can have confidence in the LORD’s ability to weather any storm. The mightiest waves of the ocean are nothing compared to His majesty. Nothing will topple Him. He can not be crushed, no matter the force. He is established, firm and secure.

And everywhere the LORD is, there He is established firm and secure. This condition extends to the world itself. Despite the changing winds of political, social and economic storms, the LORD is established. Pandemics can’t destabilize our Lord.

Stand firm in our firm standing LORD. He will never be shaken and neither will we.

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